220 Motivation Mike

Mike Simms is a top 1% earning real estate agent in Long Island.

He’s a little crazy but full of motivation.

We talk about understanding your why and how to find the motivation to overcome difficult situations.

This is a must listen for anyone feeling in a funk or tough spot.

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Show Notes:

00:00 – 1:25 Introduction to the Podcast

1:26 – 8:46 Eric Worral introduce Michael Simms who is a top performing real estate agent for 16 years and top 1% earner Long Island. Eric met Mike at an Empire State ride event.

8:47 – 17:18 Mike discussed that the northshore part of Long Island is affluent and provides great income for real estate agents. He also shared why he does not do rentals. It is because he believed that he is putting more time in doing rental listings with less amount of compensation than doing real estate sales listing. He also discussed about how he hustles.

17:19 29:59 Mike shares how he provides great motivations to people as he has a great love for human beings. Eric also shares how he did not finish a ride and Mike provided a motivational statement for that. He also advised to never get negativity lose your focus.

30:00 – 32:59 Mike discuss how whatever you do makes a difference whether you do rentals or sells some houses.

33:00 – 39:49 You can get I AM. I CAN. I WILL – Michael Simms in Amazon.com. It is about you’re different and you embrace being different and you can definitely make a difference.

39:50 – 43:54 Mike shares about how he is transitioning from a real estate agent to a motivational speaker.

43:55 – 49:20 Mike ends the podcast leaving with an advise to reinvent everyday, and every puzzles comes with it and reveal a solution to you.

Resources Mentioned:

Buy Mike’s Book on Amazon